eBook of Abstracts

Here you can download the electronic Version of the Book of Abstracts (a printed Version is included in your conference package).

To minimize your download time the electronic version is divided into 3 parts:

Part 1 - General (999 kB):
includes Welcome Letter, Organizing Committee, Information about the Congress Site, General Information, Maps, and Time Shedule

Part 2 - Abstracts (2798 kB) - updated 28/08/03:
includes all Abstracts

Part 3 - Appendix (259 kB) - updated 28/08/03:
includes List of Participants and Author Index


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<% sub Contribution(id) TB.Open "SELECT C.abstractid,C.code,A.vorname,A.nachname,P.*,C.titel FROM ((BDSHC_Contributions C JOIN BDSHC_Authors A ON C.abstractid=A.abstractID) JOIN BDSHC_Program P ON C.abstractid=P.abstractid) WHERE A.typ='PR' AND C.abstractid=" & id,DB,3,3 TB.MoveFirst i=i+1 if i=1 then Response.Write("") else Response.Write("") i=0 end if %> " target="_blank">
<% = RTRIM(TB("type")) %>-<% = TB("number") %>

<% = TB("vorname") %> <% = UCase(TB("nachname")) %>

<% = UCase(TB("titel")) %> <% TB.Close end sub %> <% if Request("word")<>"" then Set DB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") DB.open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Password=web67user;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=webuser;Initial Catalog=Institut;Data Source=srv4.ioc.tuwien.ac.at" Set TB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") RS.Open "SELECT abstractid FROM BDSHC_Program WHERE abstractid IN (SELECT abstractid FROM BDSHC_volltextindex WHERE wort LIKE '%" & Request("word") & "%') ORDER BY type,number",DB,3,3 if RS.EOF then Response.Write("no Abstract found containing " & Request("word") & "") else %> <% RS.MoveFirst do while not RS.EOF Contribution(RS("abstractid")) RS.MoveNext loop %>
Abstracts containing <% = Request("word") %>
<% end if RS.Close Set RS = nothing Set TB = nothing DB.Close Set DB = nothing end if %>